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5 fatal mistakes to avoid during a first meeting!

Whether you're a dating veteran or about to take the plunge for the first time, this article is for you.

It is often said that "you don't get a second chance to make a first impression". This phrase takes on its full meaning in the ruthless world of dating! According to a Princeton study, it only takes seven seconds for our brain to judge a person during a first meeting. Seven seconds is a short time, isn't it?

From preparation to attitude, to the importance of respect and authenticity, we'll go over the 5 most common mistakes people make when meeting for the first time.< /p>

In this article, you will find valuable advice, tips for effective communication and strategies for managing your expectations. We will also talk about the importance of being yourself and enjoying the moment.

Come on, here we go. Let's embark together on this exciting adventure that is the first meeting!

The trap of improvisation

Think of everything: What are you going to wear? The choice of your outfit must be in line with the place of the meeting. If you go to a trendy bar, go for a casual but chic outfit. If it's a romantic dinner, opt for a more elegant outfit. Remember, your outfit says a lot about you and is an important part of your first impression.

In addition, find out a little about the person you are going to meet. What are his interests? Are there any topics to avoid? This preparation will allow you to have a few conversation topics in reserve to avoid awkward silences.

And above all, do not forget the mental preparation! View the date positively, breathe deeply, and approach the date with a positive attitude.

Attitude and authenticity

Now, let's get to an equally crucial aspect of the first date: your attitude. How do you present yourself to your interlocutor? How energetically do you engage in conversation? This is where the importance of not being too serious comes in.


Have you ever been on a date where the other person is constantly checking their phone, interrupting your sentences, or talking badly to the restaurant staff? This kind of behavior can quickly turn a promising date into an unpleasant experience.

The mistake to avoid here is lack of respect. Whether through actions or words, disrespect can be a date killer.

So how do you show respect on a first date? It's simple: treat the other person as you would like to be treated. Listen carefully when she speaks, be polite and considerate, and above all, show consideration for her feelings and ideas.

This doesn't mean you have to agree on everything, but it's important to show that you respect their opinions, even if they differ from yours. And remember, respect is not limited to the person you meet. Show respect for others around you, such as the staff at your venue.

At the end of the day, respect is a universal language. It transcends cultural, social and personal barriers. By showing respect during your first meeting, you show that you are a person worthy of trust and worth knowing.

Attitude and authenticity

Now, let's get to an equally crucial aspect of the first date: your attitude. How do you present yourself to your interlocutor? How energetically do you engage in conversation? This is where the importance of not being too serious comes in.

Enjoy the moment!

Thinking into the future or getting stuck in the past are common human behaviors. But in the context of a first meeting, it can prevent us from fully enjoying the present moment. Here is the mistake to avoid: being too preoccupied with the future or with other things to enjoy the present moment.

During a first meeting, every moment counts. It's time to get to know the other person, share laughs, swap stories, and make a connection. If you're too preoccupied with what might happen next, or what happened before, you risk missing out on those precious moments.

!!!!!! The zen detail!!!!!

Remember, even if a first date doesn't go as you hoped, it's not the end of the world. This is just another step in your dating journey. So take a deep breath, smile and dive into the dating adventure.

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